Customer Satisfaction Surveys

What happens to a prospect once they are your customer?

Most of the time we get caught up generating new business versus focusing on what our current customers need. No matter how hard you try, you will not please everyone! The problem – unsatisfied customers will not always contact you to complain; they just won’t place another order or renew their contract. Conducting customer satisfaction surveys gives your customers an opportunity to share their thoughts, whether it is to voice their concerns, share “complaints” or give you and your staff praise for a job well done. In turn, you can use the information to motivate staff, reinforce what you are doing well, and optimize the opportunity to remedy situations you did not even know existed!

At ADI Marketing, we can substantially increase the number of responses you receive and the quality of information on those responses by conducting telephone surveys of your customers. We conduct your customer satisfaction survey for all your customers whether they are new or have been with you for a number of years. The information is compiled into two reports, a written report and a numerical report. As valuable tools, survey results enable companies to spot trouble areas, notice trends, and track the effectiveness and competency of employees.

Some of the benefits our clients cite include:

  • Surveys are excellent morale boosters when positive comments about the technicians are shared before their peers. Negative comments, when discussed one-on-one with an employee, can help uncover areas for development and the necessity for additional training.
  • Using a third party such as ADI Marketing enables your customer to feel free to “speak his/her mind”, resulting in unbiased and impartial gathering of information.
  • Surveys assist in retaining customers and contracts up for renewal as well as ensuring current contracts have happy customers. If a customer is considering switching to another company, responses to survey questions can help “win back” the customer.
  • Survey results are useful in identifying benchmarks to gauge and measure organizational and staff strengths and areas for development.

Results of surveys can be used as a marketing tool to attract new customers.